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How to force mkdir to create a directory if there isn’t already one
By admin | September 3, 2008
If you’ve ever tried to make a directory if there isn’t one existing, you probably have bumped into the following error:
mkdir: cannot create directory `the_directory': File exists
To fix this, use this instead to suppress error and create parent directories if needed:
mkdir -p your_directory
For more information, see the mkdir page at Wikipedia.
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Topics: Linux | 3 Comments »
April 20th, 2015 at 11:46
Thanks it worked in full go ,, can you share what p stands for
June 6th, 2016 at 02:50
-p serves to force mkdir to also create the parent directories (hence the ‘p’).
October 9th, 2019 at 06:31
what if my directory is not a parent directory
[ram@raj ~]$ mkdir opt
[ram@raj ~]$ ls
[ram@raj opt]$ mkdir java
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘java’: Permission denied
[ram@raj opt]$ mkdir -p java
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘java’: Permission denied
[ram@raj opt]$