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Enable and disable VBoxTray on demand

By admin | September 12, 2009

If you have upgraded to VirtualBox 3, even though it may be way faster and more efficient (and now supports DirectX), there is still one feature that managed to fall through the cracks and regress: clipboard support is incomplete. For example, if you go into Windows Explorer and right click any file and “Copy”, when you get to another folder you will find the “Paste” button is greyed out as if there is nothing on the clipboard.

For a temporary fix you can use until the VirtualBox team decides the problem is large enough to fix (open a command prompt with Win+R and cmd):

taskkill /F /T /IM VBoxTray.exe

This disables the VirtualBox Guest Additions module, which seems to be causing the problem currently. However this also takes away some neat features such as auto-resizing the guest, mouse and keyboard integration. To re-enable it when you are done:

start VBoxTray.exe

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Topics: Windows | 1 Comment »

One Response to “Enable and disable VBoxTray on demand”

  1. anon Says:
    November 16th, 2013 at 06:49

    VBoxTray just pisses me off, it doesn’t seem to do anything useful at all, it just sits in the system tray getting in the way. And using RAM like a motherf*cker.

    I have removed the entry for the POS from the registry to stop it running, as it is so pointless.
