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New e-mail phishing alert – “It’s Easy, Secure and Free!” in big bold letters
By admin | November 2, 2009
According to a recent news report, some 20,000 e-mail accounts have been hijacked from Internet phishing. This includes major e-mail providers such as Hotmail and Gmail. This results in spam being sent on behalf of the hijacked accounts and creates a major headache for both the hijacked and the non-hijacked caused by both spam and unauthorized usage of the victims’ accounts.
Major hallmarks of the spam include misspellings in the message, poor grammar and in the center a big bold sentence which goes like this:
It’s Easy, Secure and Free!
Followed by a link to a suspicious website that looks something like superb-blocked-check.com or see-alarming-block-check.com.
Things you can do to stay clear of this:
- If people in your contact list are sending you this spam, mark the message as spam in your inbox (to train the spam filter) and then send a message to your contact informing them their account has been hijacked.
- There is no need for a virus panic over this – it is a phishing attack, not a virus attack even though some mix those up.
- Do not click on the link.
- If you have already fallen for the scam (by clicking on the link) or if you are on the “leaked” list, immediately change your e-mail password and any other passwords in which it is identical or similar to the leaked password.
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Topics: Internet | 5 Comments »
December 9th, 2009 at 06:49
it is really helpful
December 9th, 2009 at 12:26
Thanks Guys. Will inform all those on my contact list to stay clear.
December 10th, 2009 at 02:17
I have already got mine hacked. So will do the needful thanks for the info
March 27th, 2025 at 23:07
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