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How to force a CD/DVD drive to eject in Linux
By admin | March 20, 2010
Usually, the CD drive in Linux is pretty permissive just like in Windows, where one can eject and insert discs at any time. However, sometimes some random bugs in various application show up when you eject a disk while reading, and the operating system no longer honours any requests to eject (e.g. pressing the eject button the physical drive) because the application is still waiting for the request to complete.
Normally, pressing the eject icon next to the drive in Nautilus would work and usually this command too:
However, even that sometimes doesn’t work properly. Therefore, we need to use cdrecord to forcibly eject:
cdrecord -eject
This usually will cause the CD tray to eject. However it is recommended that you eject normally by using the eject command as forced ejects could create problems with programs.
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Topics: Linux | 1 Comment »
March 25th, 2025 at 15:51
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