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How to add entries by UUID to /etc/fstab
By admin | June 30, 2010
Normally in Linux, one would be able to add entries to the /etc/fstab file by using the standard /dev/xdx notation. However, what happens when we add or remove some partitions and hard disks? In this case, it would completely throw off the entries resulting in you not being able to access your partition. As a result, it is also possible to mount using UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)s. This way you will still be able to access your partitions even if they are shuffled around.
To get the UUID of a partition:
blkid /dev/<em>xxxx</em> -s UUID
and it will output something like this:
/dev/<em>xxxx</em>: UUID="1fa6e8df-f05a-4c7c-b30a-cd3c1b2bcebd"
and then you can use the UUID to add a line in /etc/fstab:
UUID=1fa6e8df-f05a-4c7c-b30a-cd3c1b2bcebd /media/mountpoint ext4 defaults 0 1
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