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Modifying Android settings from the filesystem / terminal
By admin | November 5, 2012
(Root access is required for this entire procedure; but root access is usually present on development builds anyway.) Normally, the built-in Settings app can be used on Android to change system settings. But if you’re on a development build where the settings app is broken and can’t be used, the Android settings database can be found at:
Probably, you will need to cp the file to a place that any user can read from (e.g. /sdcard). Then, git pull the file and open it in SQLite Manager or something similar, and you can edit it. The most interesting table will probably be the “secure” table, where you can change the system settings.
Just use adb push to push the file back on the device, and use mv to move it to /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/.
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