Free and open source XML beautifers to format XML
Saturday, December 26th, 2009XML is a great format for storing data, but an improperly-formatted XML file (e.g. whole file on one line, unusual breaking, improper line wrap, etc) can be just as difficult to read as a binary blob. In order to make “blob” XML readable, here are some tools you can use to format XML so it’s […]
Windows Live and Bad Behaviour plugin incompatiblity
Monday, November 16th, 2009While the Bad Behaviour plugin is an excellent plugin for blocking annoying comment spam and other stuff, but there is a known incompatibility with the Bad Behaviour plugin with the Windows Live. You can go and read the full article, but here is a quick drill-down of what you need to know: Bad Behaviour Logs […]
New e-mail phishing alert – “It’s Easy, Secure and Free!” in big bold letters
Monday, November 2nd, 2009According to a recent news report, some 20,000 e-mail accounts have been hijacked from Internet phishing. This includes major e-mail providers such as Hotmail and Gmail. This results in spam being sent on behalf of the hijacked accounts and creates a major headache for both the hijacked and the non-hijacked caused by both spam and […]
Disable WordPress conversion of double-dashes in posts
Friday, July 24th, 2009Update (2014-08-09): Still works for WordPress 3.9.2. Update (2013-11-16): Still works for WordPress 3.7.1. Update (2012-07-26): Updated for WordPress 3.4.1. Update (2012-02-03): Updated for WordPress 3.3.1. Update (2011-08-21): Updated for WordPress 3.2.1. Update (2009-08-16): Updated for WordPress 2.8.3. If you use WordPress (like this blog and many hundreds and thousands of blogs) for your blogging […]
Solving “XAMPP: Couldn’t start MySQL!”
Saturday, May 30th, 2009XAMPP for Linux is a convenient package for installing the AMPP stack (Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl) of web server software, but it also has its own share of problems. One such error is the generic and uninformative error of “XAMPP: Couldn’t start MySQL!“. This is confusing because it does not say anything about the error. […]
Removing WordPress post revisions feature
Friday, March 13th, 2009WordPress 2.6 and above’s new feature of post revisions only slows WordPress down and makes it less usable. So here is how to disable post revisions: Open wp-config.php in your wordpress installation directory with a text editor. Add the line “define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false);” anywhere in the file in a new line after the <?php header. Save […]
Allowing shorter passwords in AutoIndex
Thursday, October 30th, 2008If you’ve ever found AutoIndex PHP Script‘s password valiator’s resrictions on a long password annoying, you’re not alone. Fortunately, we have found a workaround for it. Steps Download the AutoIndex script. Extract the archive and open classes/Admin.php Find the line that says “private static function validate_new_password($pass1, $pass2)“. Move further down to the line that says […]
Setting up a Wikipedia clone (part 2)
Sunday, September 28th, 2008This is the second part to creating your own Wikipedia clone. If you haven’t already read done part 1, then you must do part 1 before continuing. This part deals with making your MediaWiki more Wikipedia-ish. Install the Cite extension to enable <ref> and <references />. Create a template with text that states that the […]
Creating a Wikipedia clone (part 1)
Thursday, September 25th, 2008If you ever wanted to set up your own topic-specific or subject-specific Wikipedia®, then you’re in luck! We’re here to give you simple and easy to follow instruction on creating your own mini-Wikipedia®. Before you start: You need to have a web server with at least PHP5 and MySQL 4. You need to understand the […]
Enabling and in MediaWiki
Sunday, September 14th, 2008
If you have a MediaWiki installation and decide to make it Wikipedia-like, you will find that the <ref> tags and the <references /> tags don’t work like they do in Wikipedia. Below is a screenshot of the citation tags not working: To fix this problem, you need to install the Cite extenstion for MediaWiki. Below […]
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